Who's Behind This Website?
My name is Caris Daneker. I am currently a Senior at Conestoga Valley High School. I am working toward earning my Eagle Scout Rank and hope to be one of the first girls in the country to do so! To earn Eagle, scouters must go through various ranks that test their skills as a scout. In the later ranks, the focus is more on service and leadership. The Eagle Scout Project is a service project that I create to benefits my community. I chose to create this website because I saw that elementary students were missing precious hands on experience while learning science during the COVID-19 pandemic. With virtual learning it can be hard to connect to such a difficult subject like science. So, I thought how could students at home have fun learning science again? And that is when I got the idea to create this website - a place where many activities and experiments are compiled into one learning center so students can come to learn and get inspired by science. I asked a lot of my friends to help me out and film the experiments you see on this website. Many of them go to Conestoga Valley as well! While you are here, I hope you learn something new and have fun!